We provide answers, hope, and healing that return proven leaders back to life.
A brain injury can occur without a loss of consciousness. Symptoms like irritability, cognitive deficits, depression, insomnia, and anxiety can manifest months or even years after the initial incident. The delay in symptoms can lead to the injury being misdiagnosed or undiagnosed. The person suffering is often labeled as having a psychological issue and placed on a care plan without properly assessing or improving the health of the brain.
We have experienced this time and time again in the Combat Veteran community.
WAF sponsors individualized assessments and personalized treatment protocols that pinpoint – and, more importantly, treat – the underlying condition for U.S. Service Members and Veterans who have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) while in the line of duty.
WAF sponsors individualized assessments and personalized treatment protocols that pinpoint – and, more importantly, treat – the underlying condition for U.S. Service Members and Veterans who have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) while in the line of duty.
What is personalized brain care?
The right treatment protocol, for the right person, at the right point in time. providers use objective measurements specific to the individual to tailor a personalized care plan. We don’t guess, we test. Our providers don’t treat numbers, they treat people.
Our program seeks to accomplish the following:
- Objective 1: Identify inflammation and detect if the neuro-steroids and neuro-active-steroids (hormones) are affected.
- Objective 2: Reduce inflammation while replenishing affected neuro-steroids and neuro-active-steroids (hormones) to physiologic levels.
- Objective 3. Return quality of life back to our U.S. Military Service Members and Veterans
Proven Results
Warrior Angel Foundation’s endorsed and personalized approach promotes brain healing that results in over 50% improvement in 75% of our participants within their first year of care. We bring proven leaders back to their families and communities empowering them to best put their unique skill sets to use in the most beneficial and meaningful of ways.
Looking Forward
Warrior Angel Foundation will continue to fill the gap supporting brain injury prevention and care. Through proven nutraceuticals, personalized treatment protocols for our Service Members and Veterans, Traumatic Brain Injury education, and research for all who are affected we are advocates for policy change. We will continue to champion for clinically proven nontraditional treatment modalities as evidenced in Quiet Explosions to be brought into the Government, Medical, and Insurance offerings of care.
Where can I learn more?
Warrior Angel Foundation has brought its message of answers, hope, and healing to millions through our cofounder’s best-selling book TALES FROM THE BLAST FACTORY, their award-winning documentary film Quiet Explosions: Healing the Brain, TEDx talk, white paper, and multiple guest appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast.
Who do we sponsor?
We work within a closed network consisting of the USSOCOM Warrior Care Program and our Veteran non-profit partners to identify candidates who are suffering the symptoms of a TBI and have not responded to status quo care. For security reasons, we do not sponsor anyone outside of this closed network.
- Every WAF participant is assigned a personal Program Success Coach that will be there to assist our participants and their family at every step of our program.
- Participant onboarding and initial nutraceutical protocol.
- Labs (initial & all follow-up) drawn from participants home via mobile phlebotomist or at a lab draw clinic closest to their geographical location.
- Joint Virtual Lab Review with a Board-Certified Provider.
- Personalized protocol (Pharmacy & Nutraceuticals) delivered to our participants’ door.
Is it safe?
- Our platform is HIPAA compliant.
- Our providers are board certified.
- Our protocols are evidence based and FDA approved.
What happens after the completed protocol?
WAF realizes we have a very niche focus and some Veterans need a coalition of care. We are partnered with non-profits and a Warrior Council of Care to aid in taking this next step.